The Union of Pediatricians of Russia was established in 1927
“Preserve the children’s health – preserve Russia!”
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All-Russian public organization

«Union of Pediatricians of Russia»


1.1. The All-Russian public organization "Union of Pediatricians of Russia" was established by the decision of the Founding Conference of the Union of Pediatricians of Russia (Protocol No. 1 of January 27, 1994) with the name Union of Pediatricians of Russia.

1.2. In accordance with the decision of the Conference (Protocol No. 7 of February 18, 1999), the Union of Pediatricians of Russia was renamed the Public Organization "Union of Pediatricians of Russia".

1.3. The Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation issued a Certificate of registration of the public association No. 2412 dated March 12, 1999 to the Public Organization "Union of Pediatricians of Russia".

1.4. The Interdistrict Inspection of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia No. 39 for Moscow on February 01, 2003, the Public Organization "Union of Pediatricians of Russia" was entered in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities with the main state registration number 1037739356335.

1.5. In accordance with the decision of the Conference (Minutes No. 2 of August 12, 2019) The public organization "Union of Pediatricians of Russia" was renamed into the All-Russian Public Organization " Union of Pediatricians of Russia "(hereinafter - the"Union").

1.6. The Union is a membership-based public association created on the basis of joint activities by specialists engaged in practical, pedagogical and research activities in the field of pediatrics, to represent and protect their common interests and achieve the goals provided for in paragraph 2.1 of this Charter.

1.7. The legal form of the Union is a public organization.

1.8. The Union is guided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, Federal law "On public associations" of 19 may 1995 No. 82-FZ Federal law "On nonprofit organizations" dated January 12, 1996 No. 7-FZ, as well as other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, universally recognized principles and norms of international law, international treaties of the Russian Federation and this Charter.

1.9. The activities of the Union are based on the principles of voluntariness, equality, self-government and legality.

1.10. Full name of the Union:

- in Russian: All-Russian Public Organization " Union of Pediatricians of Russia»;

- in English: "The Union of Pediatricians of Russia".

Abbreviated name of the Union in Russian: Union of Pediatricians of Russia.

1.11. The legal capacity of the Union arises from the moment of entering information about its creation into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and ceases at the moment of entering information about its termination into the specified register.

1.12. The Union owns separate property, is liable for its obligations with this property, may acquire and exercise property and non-property rights on its own behalf, bear obligations, and be a plaintiff and a defendant in court.

1.13. The members of the Union are not liable for the obligations of the Union, and the Union is not liable for the obligations of its Members.

1.14. The Union has an independent balance sheet, has the right to open accounts in banks and other credit organizations in the territory of the Russian Federation and outside its territory in accordance with the established procedure.

1.15. The Union has a seal and has the right to have stamps and letterheads with its name.

1.16. The Union has a symbolism (emblem and anthem), the description of which is given in Annex 1 and Annex 2 to this Charter.

1.17. The Union carries out its activities in the territories, more than half of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, namely in the areas of the Altai region Amur region Arkhangelsk region, Astrakhan region, Belgorod region, Bryansk region, Vologda region, Voronezh region, the Jewish Autonomous oblast Zabaykalsky Krai Ivanovo region Irkutsk region Kabardino-Balkaria, Karachay-Cherkess Republic Kaliningrad region Kaluga region Kamchatka territory Kemerovo region - Kuzbass, Kirov Oblast, Kostroma Oblast, Krasnodar Krai, Krasnoyarsk Krai, Kursk Oblast, Lipetsk Oblast, Moscow City, Moscow Oblast, Magadan Oblast, Murmansk Oblast, Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Nizhny Novgorod Oblast, Novosibirsk Oblast, Omsk Oblast, Orenburg Oblast, Orel Oblast, Penza Oblast, Perm Krai, Primorsky Krai, Republic of Bashkortostan, Republic of Buryatia, Republic of Dagestan, Republic of Kalmykia, Republic of Komi, Republic of Mari El, Republic of Mordovia, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Republic of North Ossetia - Alania Republic of Tatarstan Republic of Tyva Rostov region Samara region, the city of St. Petersburg, Saratov region, Sakhalin region, Sverdlovsk region, Smolensk region Stavropol region Tambov region Tver region Tomsk region Tula region Tyumen region Udmurt Republic Ulyanovsk region Khabarovsk territory Khanty-Mansi Autonomous district - Yugra Chelyabinsk region, Chechen Republic, the Chuvash Republic, Yaroslavl region.

1.18. Interference of state bodies and officials in the activities of the Union, as well as interference of the Union in the activities of state bodies and officials is not allowed, except in cases provided for by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

1.19. The permanent governing body of the Union is located at the address: Moscow.


2.1. The objectives of the Union are:

2.1.1. promotion of maternal and child health;

2.1.2. promotion of the preservation and multiplication of the traditions of Russian pediatrics, protection and assistance to the pediatric service in its activities;

2.1.3. combining the efforts of practitioners, scientists and employees of the higher pediatric school to solve current practical, scientific and educational problems of maternal and child health

2.2. The subject of the Union's activities is:

2.2.1. providing organizational and methodological assistance to the Members of the Union in promoting the development of new scientific directions in the field of pediatrics and improving the skills of specialists working in pediatric service institutions and educational organizations;

2.2.2. development of priority scientific research in the field of pediatrics;

2.2.3. participation in scientific research in the field of pediatrics and related fields of medicine, including participation in the preparation of scientific works: reports, articles, monographs, scientific and technical reports, lectures, etc. , as well as their processing (translation, processing, review, etc.);

2.2.4. analysis, generalization and promotion of the results of scientific research in the field of pediatrics and the experience of maternal and child health institutions;

2.2.5. participation in the development of scientific programs, new medicines, tools, medical equipment, medical devices;

2.2.6. provision of services for the provision of opinions containing independent scientific opinions of specialists on various issues of pediatrics and related branches of medicine in accordance with the procedure established by the current legislation of the Russian Federation;

2.2.7. assistance in the creation of new and modernization of existing pediatric institutions: outpatient, inpatient, rehabilitation, as well as scientific, educational and other institutions working in the system of providing medical care to children;

2.2.8. participation in the system of continuing medical and pharmaceutical education, including accreditation of pediatric specialists in accordance with the procedure established by the current legislation of the Russian Federation;

2.2.9. preparation and implementation of full-time and part-time educational events, creation of distance educational modules in a single educational space within the framework of the system of continuing medical and pharmaceutical education;

2.2.10. participation in the development of retraining and advanced training programs for medical workers and pharmaceutical workers;

2.2.11. organization and holding of congresses, conferences, colloquiums, workshops, symposia, reports, discussions, lectures, master classes, trainings, seminars, perceptorship (mentoring), schools of young specialists, special exhibitions, as well as other scientific, scientific-practical and informational events in the field of pediatrics and related fields of medicine, including using electronic means and communication channels, modern Internet services and technologies;

2.2.12. organization of foreign internships for young specialists in the field of pediatrics and other related fields of medicine;

2.2.13. organization of business trips of the Members of the Union to the regions of Russia and other countries to resolve issues related to the activities of the pediatric service;

2.2.14. analysis of the effectiveness of existing laws regulating the rights of children to protect and promote their health, development of proposals aimed at improving the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of child health protection;

2.2.15. submitting proposals for improving the provision of medical care to children to state authorities, health care bodies and institutions, public associations and non-profit organizations in accordance with the established procedure;

2.2.16. participation in the development of norms and rules in the field of child health protection, in resolving issues related to violations of these norms and rules;

2.2.17. participation in the development of procedures for the provision of medical care and standards of medical care;

2.2.18. development (including taking into account the results of clinical testing) and approval of clinical recommendations (treatment protocols) on the provision of medical care to children;

2.2.19. development of international scientific cooperation in the field of pediatrics;

2.2.20. development and strengthening of relations with public associations of specialists in related branches of medical science and practical health care, as well as specialists in related professions (psychologists, educational psychologists, social workers and other specialists who perform functions for the upbringing, training, health protection, social support and social services of the child);

2.2.21. interaction with state structures in the field of observance of children's rights in the field of their health protection, as well as other rights guaranteed by international legal acts and the current legislation of the Russian Federation;

2.2.22. representation and protection of the interests of the Members of the Union in state and public organizations in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation;

2.2.23. carrying out publishing activities in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation, publishing information and reference materials on pediatrics as part of publishing activities, as well as replicating recorded media;

2.2.24. dissemination of scientific and methodological information through its own publishing activities, including special and popular science literature (periodicals, books, magazines, etc.);

2.2.25. organization of creation, development and operation for research, analytical, statistical and other purposes of information systems (including electronic databases) in the field of medicine, as well as work on the collection, processing and location of the materials that make up these information systems.

2.2.26. implementation of charitable activities;

2.2.27. carrying out foreign economic activity in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and international laws of the Russian Federation.

2.3. Союз может осуществлять приносящую доход деятельность лишь постольку, поскольку это служит достижению целей, ради которых он создан, и если это соответствует таким целям.

Такой деятельностью признаются приносящее прибыль производство товаров и оказание услуг, отвечающих целям создания Союза, а также приобретение и реализация ценных бумаг, имущественных и неимущественных прав, участие в хозяйственных обществах и участие в товариществах на вере в качестве вкладчика.

2.4. В случаях, предусмотренных законом, Союз может заниматься отдельными видами деятельности только на основании специального разрешения (лицензии), членства в саморегулируемой организации или выданного саморегулируемой организацией свидетельства о допуске к определенному виду работ.



3.1. The supreme governing body of the Union is the Conference.
3.2. The Conference is convened by the decision of the Supervisory Board of the Union once a year.

3.3. Extraordinary conferences may be convened at the initiative of the President, by the decision of the Supervisory Board of the Union, at the written request of the Auditor of the Union or more than half of the regional branches of the Union.

3.4. The Conference is responsible for solving the following issues::

3.4.1. determining the priority areas of the Union's activities, the principles of formation and use of its property;

3.4.2. approval and amendment of the Charter of the Union;

3.4.3. determination of the procedure for admission to and exclusion from the membership of the Union;

3.4.4. determination of the quantitative composition of the Supervisory Board of the Union, election of the members of the Supervisory Board of the Union, the Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Union and early termination of their powers;

3.4.5. election of the President and early termination of his powers;

3.4.6. making decisions on the amount and procedure for payment of membership and other property contributions by the Members of the Union;

3.4.7. making decisions on the reorganization and liquidation of the Union, on the appointment of the liquidation commission (liquidator) and on the approval of the liquidation balance sheet;

3.4.8. election of the Auditor, early termination of his / her powers;

3.4.9. election of the Honorary President and Honorary Members of the Union;

3.4.10. making other decisions provided for by federal laws and this Charter.

The issues listed in sub-paragraphs 3.4.1 - 3.4.8 of this Charter are the exclusive competence of the Conference.

3.5.The President, the Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Union, the members of the Supervisory Board of the Union and the Auditor may participate in the Conference without the right to vote.

3.6. The standard of representation of delegates at the Conference, the date, place and time of the Conference, as well as the draft agenda of the Conference are determined by the decision of the Supervisory Board of the Union.

3.7. The Conference is entitled to resolve the issues submitted for its consideration if it is attended by delegates representing more than half of the regional branches of the Union.

3.8. The decision of the Conference taken by a simple majority vote of the delegates present at the Conference, with the exception of its exclusive competence, which are taken by a qualified majority of 2/3 of votes of the delegates present at the Conference.

3.9. The form of voting is determined by the Conference. In the absence of a quorum for the Conference, a new date for the Conference is announced. In this case, the agenda of the Conference may not be changed.

3.10. Voting at the Conference is carried out on the principle of "one delegate - one vote".

3.11. The Minutes of the Conference are signed by the Chairman of the Conference and the Secretary of the Conference.



4.1. The permanent governing body of the Union is the Supervisory Board of the Union - an elected collegial body of the Union, accountable to the Conference.
The Supervisory Board of the Union is elected by the Conference for a term of 6 (six) years in the number determined by the decision of the Conference.

4.2. Persons elected to the Supervisory Board of the Union may be elected for a new term. By the decision of the Conference, the powers of any member (all members) of the Supervisory Board of the Union may be terminated prematurely.

4.3. Competence of the Supervisory Board of the Union:

4.3.1. exercises control over the activities of the President;

4.3.2. exercise the rights of a legal entity on behalf of the Union and perform its duties in accordance with the Charter of the Union;

4.3.3. decides on the admission and exclusion of Members of the Union;

4.3.4. Convenes Conferences;
4.3.5. approves the internal documents of the Union;

4.3.6. decides on the establishment of regional branches of the Union;

4.3.7. decides on the establishment of branches and opening of representative offices of the Union, approves the regulations on branches and representative offices of the Union, appoints the heads of branches and representative offices;

4.3.8. makes decisions on the establishment of other legal entities by the Union, on the participation of the Union in other legal entities;

4.3.9. summarizes proposals to amend and supplement the Charter of the Union with subsequent submission of these proposals to the Conference;

4.3.10. approves the Union's activity programs and projects, appoints the heads of the Union's activity programs and projects;

4.3.11. forms expert councils, creates sections, commissions and committees of the Union and approves the Regulations on them;

4.3.12. approves the annual report and accounting (financial) statements of the Union;

4.3.13. approves the audit organization or the individual auditor of the Union;

4.3.14. coordinates the activities of the structural divisions of the Union;

4.3.15. resolves other issues not referred to the exclusive competence of other bodies of the Union.

4.4. Meetings of the Supervisory Board of the Union are convened by the Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Union once a year. Extraordinary meetings of the Supervisory Board of the Union may be convened at the initiative of the Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Union or by decision of the Supervisory Board of the Union. A meeting of the Supervisory Board of the Union is valid if it is attended by more than half of the members of the Supervisory Board of the Union.

Decisions are made by a simple majority of votes of the members of the Supervisory Board of the Union present at the meeting, if there is a quorum. The form of voting is determined by the Supervisory Board of the Union. The minutes of the meeting of the Supervisory Council of the Association shall be signed by the Chairman of the Supervisory Council of the Union and Secretary of the meeting of the Supervisory Council of the Union, leading Protocol.

The Supervisory Board of the Union includes the Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Union and the members of the Supervisory Board of the Union.

The Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Union is elected by the Conference for a term of 6 (six ) years. The Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Union may be elected for a new term. By the decision of the Conference, the powers of the Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Union may be terminated prematurely.

4.5. Competence of the Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Union:

4.5.1. heads the Supervisory Board of the Union and directs its work;

4.5.2. distributes responsibilities among the members of the Supervisory Board of the Union, determines their powers;

4.5.3. determines the number and personal composition of its deputies;

4.5.4. exercises other powers related to the work of the Supervisory Board of the Union.



5.1. The President is the sole executive body of the Union.

5.2. The President is elected by the Conference for a term of 6 (six) years. The President can be elected for a new term.

5.3. The Competence Of The President:

5.3.1. performs the current management of the Union's activities;

5.3.2. ensures the implementation of the decisions of the Conference and the Supervisory Board of the Union;

5.3.3. represents the Union in relations with Russian and foreign legal entities and individuals;

5.3.4. acts on behalf of the Union without a power of attorney;

5.3.5. issues powers of attorney on behalf of the Union;

5.3.6. issues orders, orders, instructions for the full-time employees of the Union;

5.3.7. employs and dismisses full-time employees of the Union;

5.3.8. takes measures of encouragement for full-time employees of the Union and imposes penalties on them;

5.3.9. enters into contracts, agreements, and performs other legally significant actions in accordance with this Charter and the current legislation of the Russian Federation;

5.3.10. conducts scientific congresses, conferences, seminars, symposiums, round tables, exhibitions, and other events of the Union;

5.3.11. organizes the income-generating activities of the Union;

5.3.12. organizes the accounting and reporting of the Union;

5.3.13. makes decisions on other issues that are not within the competence of other governing bodies of the Union.

5.4. The President is responsible to the Union for the results and legality of its activities in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation. By the decision of the Conference, the powers of the President may be terminated prematurely in cases of gross violation of his duties, revealed inability to properly conduct business, or if there are other serious grounds.

5.5. The employment contract between the Union and the President is signed on behalf of the Union by the Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Union or by another person authorized by the decision of the Conference.



6.1. The Auditor is the control and audit body of the Union.

6.2. The Auditor is elected by the Conference for a term of 6 (six) years.) years from among the members of the Union. The auditor of the Union may not simultaneously be a member of the Supervisory Board of the Union, the President, as well as a member of the Supervisory Board of the regional branch and the President of the regional branch.

6.3. The Competence Of The Auditor Of The Union:

6.3.1. exercises control over the financial, economic and statutory activities of the Union;

6.3.2. exercises control over the safety of the Union's property, the expenditure of the Union's funds;

6.3.3. coordinates the activities of the control and audit bodies of the structural divisions of the Union;

6.3.4. conducts an audit of the financial and economic activities of the Union;

6.3.5. makes a written request to hold an extraordinary Conference;

6.3.6. exercises other powers, except those assigned to the competence of other bodies of the Union.

6.4. The Auditor shall conduct audits of the financial and economic activities of the Union at least once a year. Based on the results of the audit of the financial and economic activities of the Union, the Auditor draws up an opinion, which must contain either confirmation of the reliability of the data contained in the reports and other financial documents of the Union, or information about violations of the accounting and financial reporting procedures, as well as legal acts of the Russian Federation in the implementation of financial and economic activities.

The President and all structural divisions ensure that all necessary materials for the audit are submitted to the Auditor.

6.5. The Auditor has the right to engage specialists who do not hold regular positions in the Union on a contractual basis in their work.



7.1. The honorary President of the Union is a person who has made a special personal contribution to the development of pediatrics, as well as to the activities and development of the Union.

7.2. The Honorary President of the Union is not the governing body of the Union.

7.3. The legal status of the Honorary President is determined by the Regulations on the Honorary President approved by the Supervisory Board of the Union.


8.1. The structure of the Union consists of its regional branches.

8.2. Regional offices are established in the subjects of the Russian Federation. Only one regional office can be established in one subject of the Russian Federation.

8.3. The regional branches of the Union act on the basis of this Charter, and may also act on the basis of their own statutes that do not contradict the Charter of the Union.

8.4. The regional branch has the right to acquire the rights of a legal entity in accordance with the procedure established by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

8.5. The supreme governing body of the regional branch is the General Meeting of the regional branch.

8.6. The General Meeting of the regional branch is convened by the decision of the Supervisory Board of the regional branch once a year.

8.7. The extraordinary General meeting of the regional office may be convened on the initiative of the President of the regional office, by decision of the Supervisory Council of the regional office, at the request of the Auditor of the regional office or more than half the members of the regional branch.

8.8. The competence of the General Meeting of the regional branch includes the following issues::

8.8.1. determining the priority areas of activity of the regional office, the principles of formation and use of its property;

8.8.2. approval and amendment of the charter of the regional branch;

8.8.3. determination of the quantitative composition of the Supervisory Board of the regional branch, election of the members of the Supervisory Board of the regional branch, the Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the regional branch and early termination of their powers;

8.8.4. election of the President of the regional branch and early termination of his powers;

8.8.5. making decisions on the reorganization and liquidation of the regional branch, on the appointment of the liquidation commission (liquidator) and on the approval of the liquidation balance sheet;

8.8.6. election of the Auditor of the regional office, early termination of his powers;

8.8.7. election of delegates to the Conference of the Union;

8.8.8. making other decisions provided for by federal laws and this Charter.

The issues listed in sub-paragraphs 8.8.1 - 8.8.7 of this Charter are the exclusive competence of the General Meeting of the regional branch.

8.9. In the General meeting of the regional office may participate, without vote, the President of the regional office, the Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the regional office, the members of the Supervisory Board of the regional branch of the Inspector General and regional offices.

8.10. The general meeting of the regional branch is valid if it is attended by more than half of the members of the regional branch.

8.11. Voting at the General Meeting of the regional branch is carried out on the principle of "one member of the regional branch – one vote". The form of voting is determined by the General Meeting of the regional branch.

8.12. The decision of the General meeting of the regional office by a simple majority of votes of the members of the regional Department, present at the meeting, with the exception of issues of its exclusive competence, the decision on which shall be adopted by a qualified majority of 2/3 of votes of the members of the regional branch.

8.13. The form of voting is determined by the General Meeting of the regional branch. If there is no quorum for holding the General Meeting of the regional branch, a new date for holding the General Meeting of the regional branch is announced. Changing the agenda in this case is not allowed.

8.14. The decisions of the General Meeting of the regional branch are drawn up in a protocol, which is signed by the chairman and secretary of the General Meeting of the regional branch.

8.15. The permanent governing body of the regional office is the Supervisory Board of the regional office - an elected collegial body of the regional office, accountable to the General Meeting of the regional office.

8.18.1. exercises control over the activities of the President of the regional branch;

8.18.2. exercise the rights of a legal entity on behalf of a regional branch and perform its duties in accordance with the charter;

8.18.3. convenes General Meetings of the regional branch;

8.18.4. approves the internal documents of the regional office;

8.18.5. decides on the establishment of other legal entities by the regional office-legal entity, on the participation of the regional office in other legal entities;

8.18.6. approves the activity programs and projects of the regional office, appoints the heads of the activity programs and the regional office;

8.18.7. forms expert councils, creates commissions and committees of the regional office and approves the Regulations on them;

8.18.8. approves the annual report and accounting (financial) statements of the regional office;

8.18.9. approves the audit organization or the individual auditor of the regional office;

8.18.10. resolves other issues that are not assigned to the exclusive competence of other bodies of the regional office.

8.19. Meetings of the Supervisory Board of the regional branch are convened by the Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the regional branch once a year. Extraordinary meetings of the Supervisory Board of a regional branch may be convened at the initiative of the Chairman of the Supervisory Board of a regional branch or by decision of the Supervisory Board of a regional branch. A meeting of the Supervisory Board of a regional branch is valid if it is attended by more than half of the members of the Supervisory Board of the regional branch. Decisions are made by a simple majority of votes of the members of the Supervisory Board of the regional branch present at the meeting, if there is a quorum. The form of voting is determined by the Supervisory Board of the regional branch.

The minutes of the meeting of the Supervisory Board of the regional office shall be signed by the Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the regional office and the Secretary of the meeting of the Supervisory Board of the regional branch leading Protocol.

8.20. The Supervisory Board of the regional branch includes the Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the regional branch and the members of the Supervisory Board of the regional branch.

8.21. The Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the regional branch is elected by the General Meeting of the regional branch for a term of 4 (four) years. The Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the regional branch may be elected for a new term.

By the decision of the General Meeting of the regional branch, the powers of the Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the regional branch may be terminated prematurely.

8.22. Competence of the Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the regional branch:

8.22.1. heads the Supervisory Board of the regional branch and directs its work;

8.22.2. distributes responsibilities among the members of the Supervisory Board of the regional branch, determines their powers;

8.22.3. determines the number and personal composition of its deputies;

8.22.4. exercises other powers related to the work of the Supervisory Board of the regional branch.

8.23. The sole executive body of the regional branch is the President of the regional branch.

8.24. The President of the regional branch is elected by the General Meeting of the regional branch for a term of 4 (four) years. The President of the regional branch may be elected for a new term.

8.25. Competence of the President of the regional branch:

8.25.1. performs the current management of the activities of the regional office;

8.25.2. ensures the implementation of the decisions of the General Meeting of the regional branch and the Supervisory Board of the regional branch;


. represents the regional office in relations with Russian and foreign legal entities and individuals;

8.25.4. acts on behalf of the regional office without a power of attorney;

8.25.5. issues powers of attorney on behalf of the regional office;

8.25.6. issues orders, orders, instructions for the full-time employees of the regional office;

8.25.7. hires and dismisses full-time employees of the regional office;

8.25.8. takes incentive measures for full-time employees of the regional office and imposes penalties on them;

8.25.9. enters into contracts, agreements, and performs other legally significant actions in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation;


. organizes and conducts scientific congresses, conferences, seminars, symposiums, round tables, exhibitions, including international ones;


. organizes the income-generating activities of the regional office;

8.25.12. organizes accounting and reporting of the regional office;

8.25.13. exercises other powers that do not constitute the competence of other bodies of the regional branch.

8.26. The auditor of the regional office is the control and audit body of the regional office.

8.27. The auditor of the regional office is elected by the General Meeting of the regional office for a term of 4 (four) years.

The auditor of the regional office may not simultaneously be a member of the Supervisory Board of the regional branch, the President of the regional offices, as well as a member of the Supervisory Council of the Union, President.

8.28. Competence of the Regional Office Auditor:

8.28.1. exercises control over the financial, economic and statutory activities of the regional branch;

8.2. monitors the safety of the property of the regional office, the funds of the regional office;


. conducts an audit of the financial and economic activities of the regional office;


. requests to hold an extraordinary General Meeting of the regional branch;

8.28.5. exercises other powers, except those assigned to the competence of other bodies of the regional branch.

8.29. The Supervisory Board of the regional office and the President of the regional office shall ensure that the Auditor of the regional office is provided with all the necessary materials for the exercise of his powers.

8.30. The auditor of the regional office has the right to engage on a contractual basis in his work specialists who do not hold regular positions in the Union and its regional offices.



9.1. The Union has the right to:

9.1.1. freely disseminate information about their activities;

9.1.2. participate in the development of decisions of state authorities and local self-government bodies in the manner and to the extent provided for by the current legislation of the Russian Federation;

9.1.3. establish mass media and carry out publishing activities;

9.1.4. to represent and protect their rights, the legitimate interests of their members, as well as other citizens in state authorities, local self-government bodies and public associations;

9.1.5. take initiatives on various issues of public life, make proposals to state authorities;

9.1.6. exercise in full the powers provided for by the laws on public associations;

9.1.7. establish regional branches, representative offices, branches;

9.1.8. create business partnerships, companies, as well as acquire property intended for conducting income-generating activities;

9.1.9. together with individuals, act as the founder of public associations, join public associations, including their unions and associations, and create other non-profit organizations;

9.1.10. exercise other powers not prohibited by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

9.2. The Union is obliged to:

9.2.1. comply with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the generally recognized principles and norms of international law relating to the scope of its activities, as well as the norms provided for in this Charter;

9.2.2. publish an annual report on the use of their property or ensure that the said report is available for review.;

9.2.3. annually inform the body that made the decision on the state registration of the Union about the continuation of its activities, indicating the actual location of the permanent governing body, its name and data on the leaders of the Union in the amount of information included in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.;

9.2.4. submit, at the request of the body making decisions on the state registration of public associations, the decisions of the governing bodies and officials of the Union, as well as annual and quarterly reports on their activities to the extent of the information submitted to the tax authorities;

9.2.5. allow representatives of the body making decisions on the state registration of public associations to attend events held by the Union;

9.2.6. assist representatives of the body making decisions on the state registration of public associations in familiarizing themselves with the activities of the Union related to the achievement of the statutory goals and compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;

9.2.7. inform the body that made the decision on the state registration of the Union of changes in the information specified in paragraph 1 of Article 5 of the Federal Law "On State Registration of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs", within three days from the date of such changes, with the exception of information about the licenses received;

9.2.8. inform the federal state registration body about the amount of funds and other property received from foreign sources, which are specified in paragraph 6 of Article 2 of the Federal Law "On Non-Profit Organizations", about the purposes of spending these funds and using other property, and about their actual spending and use in the form and within the terms established by the authorized federal executive body.



10.1. Membership in the Union is voluntary.

10.2. Members of the Union may be citizens of the Russian Federation, as well as foreign citizens and stateless persons legally residing in the Russian Federation (except for cases established by international treaties of the Russian Federation or federal laws) who have reached the age of 18 and are specialists engaged in practical and research activities in the field of pediatrics and related branches of medicine.

Members of the Union may also be legal entities - public associations interested in jointly achieving the goals of the Union.

The charters of legal entities that are members of the Union must not contradict the Charter of the Union.

10.3. The founders of the Union become Members of the Union after its state registration in accordance with the procedure established by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

10.4. Membership in the Union is inalienable. The exercise of the rights of a Member of the Union may not be transferred to another person.

10.5. Conditions and procedure for admission to the Union.

10.5.1. Admission to the Membership of the Union is carried out by the decision of the Supervisory Board of the Union.

10.5.2. A candidate for membership of the Union-an individual-submits the following documents to the Supervisory Board:

   written application for membership in the Union;

   application form of the person joining the Union;

   consent to the processing of personal data.

10.5.3. A candidate for membership of the Union - a legal entity-submits the following documents to the Supervisory Board:

   written application for membership in the Union;

   documents containing the decision of the authorized management bodies of the legal entity on participation in the Union      (membership in the Union).

   a copy of the charter of the legal entity.             

10.5.4. The decision to become a Member of the Union is made by a simple majority of the votes of the members of the Supervisory Board of the Union present at the meeting of the Supervisory Board of the Union.

10.5.5. The rights of a Member of the Union arise from the moment of making a decision by the Supervisory Board of the Union.

10.6. Members of the Union have equal rights and obligations.

10.7. Members of the Union have the right to:

10.7.1. participate in the management of the Union's affairs;

10.7.2. submit proposals to the agenda of the Conference and the General Meeting of the regional branch of the Union;

10.7.3. contact the management bodies and other bodies of the Union on any issues related to its activities;

10.7.4. receive information about the activities of the Union and get acquainted with its accounting and other documentation;

10.7.5. appeal against the decisions of the Union bodies entailing civil consequences in the cases and in the manner provided for by law;

10.7.6. to demand, acting on behalf of the Union, compensation for the losses caused to the Union;

10.7.7. challenge, acting on behalf of the Union, performed the transaction on the grounds stipulated by the current legislation of the Russian Federation, and require the application of the consequences of their invalidity, and of the application of consequences of invalidity of void transactions of the Union;

10.7.8. on an equal basis with other Members of the Union, use the services provided to them free of charge;

10.7.9. request organizational, financial, legal and other assistance from the Union to carry out its activities in accordance with the objectives of the Union;

10.7.10. transfer the property to the ownership of the Union;

10.7.11. withdraw from the Union at its sole discretion at any time.

10.7.12. take part in the events held by the Union;

10.7.13. exercise other rights provided for by law or this Charter.

10.8. Members of the Union are obliged to:

10.8.1. comply with the provisions of this Charter and internal documents of the Union;

10.8.2. participate in making corporate decisions, without which the Union cannot continue its activities in accordance with the law, if participation is necessary for making such decisions;

10.8.3. take part in the implementation of the goals of the Union provided for in this Charter;

10.8.4. timely and fully fulfill the obligations assumed in relation to the Union, including paying membership fees and other property contributions.;

10.8.5. not to disclose confidential information about the activities of the Union;

10.8.6. not to commit actions deliberately aimed at causing harm to the Union;

10.8.7. not to perform actions (inaction) that significantly complicate or make it impossible to achieve the goals for which the Union was created;

10.8.8. provide information necessary to resolve issues related to the activities of the Union; 10.8.9. bear other obligations provided for by law or this Charter.

10.9. Withdrawal from the Union.

10.9.1. A member of the Union wishing to withdraw from it submits a corresponding written application to the Supervisory Board of the Union.

10.9.2. A Member of the Union is considered to have left the Union from the moment when the Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Union receives an application to leave the Union.

10.9.3. A member of the Union whose information is contained in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities may withdraw from the Union at any time without the consent of the other Members of the Union by submitting information about his withdrawal to the registration authority in accordance with the Federal Law "On State Registration of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs".

Rights and duties of a Member of the Union, details of which are contained in the Unified state register of legal entities, in the event of secession from the Union terminated from the date of any change in the data on Union contained in the Unified state register of legal entities.

A member of the Union that has left the Union must send a notification to the Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Union on the day of sending information about its withdrawal from the Union to the registration authority.

10.10. Exclusion from the Union.

           10.1. A member of the Union may be excluded from the Union by a decision of the Supervisory Board of the Union in the following cases:

10.1. violation of this Charter; systematic non-implementation of decisions of the governing bodies of the regional branch and the governing bodies of the Union; repeated non-payment of the annual membership fee and other property contributions; committing actions that discredit the Union.

10.2. The decision to exclude from the Union is considered adopted if more than half of the members of the Supervisory Board of the Union voted for it.

10.3. The rights of a member of the Union are terminated from the moment of the decision on exclusion by the Supervisory Board of the Union.

10.11. The Conference may elect Honorary Members. The number of honorary members of the Union is not limited. The legal status of an Honorary Member of the Union is determined by the Regulations on Honorary Members of the Union approved by the Supervisory Board of the Union.

10.12. The Union shall keep records of its Members in accordance with the procedure established by the Regulations on Membership in the Union, approved by the Supervisory Board of the Union.



11.1. The Union may own land plots, buildings, structures, structures, housing stock, transport, equipment, inventory, cultural, educational and recreational property, funds, shares, other securities and other property necessary for the material support of the activities of the Union specified in this Charter. The Union may also own institutions, publishing houses, and mass media created and acquired at the expense of the Union in accordance with its statutory purposes.

11.2. The Union must have sufficient property with a market value of at least the minimum amount of the authorized capital provided for by the current legislation of the Russian Federation for limited liability companies to carry out income-generating activities.

11.3. The property of the Union is based on membership fees of members of the Union; voluntary contributions and donations; income from carried out in accordance with the present Charter of the activities of the Union in the manner prescribed by law; income from income-generating activities of the Union; civil law transactions in accordance with applicable legislation and this Charter; foreign economic activities of the Union; others, not prohibited by law revenues.

11.4. The Union is the owner of its property.

11.5. The rights of the owner on behalf of the Union are exercised by the permanent governing body of the Union – the Supervisory Board of the Union.

11.6. Regional branches of the Union, which carry out their activities on the basis of this Charter, have the right of operational management of the property assigned to them by the Union.

11.7. Each individual Member of the Union does not have the right to own a share of the property belonging to the Union.

11.8. Members of the Union do not retain property rights to the property transferred by them to the ownership of the organization, including membership fees.

11.9. The income from the income - generating activities of the Union may not be redistributed among the members of the Union and must be used only to achieve the statutory goals.

11.10. The Union may use its funds for charitable purposes.


12.1. The reorganization of the Union is carried out by the decision of the Conference in accordance with the procedure provided for by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

12.2. The Union may be transformed into an association (union), an autonomous non-profit organization or a foundation by the decision of its Members.

12.3. The property of the Union passes after its reorganization to the newly formed legal entities in the manner provided for by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

12.4. The liquidation of the Union is carried out by a decision of the Conference or by a court decision on the grounds and in accordance with the procedure provided for in Article 44 of the Federal Law "On Public Associations".

12.5. The property remaining as a result of the liquidation of the Union, after satisfying the creditors ' claims, cannot be redistributed among the Members of the Union and is directed to the purposes provided for by this charter, and in disputed cases-by a court decision. The decision on the use of the remaining property is published by the liquidation commission in the press. Remaining after satisfaction of creditors ' property of the Union, abolished in the manner and on the grounds stipulated by the Federal law "On countering extremist activity" refers to the property of the Russian Federation.

12.6. During the reorganization of the Union, all documents (administrative, financial and economic, personnel, etc.) are transferred in accordance with the established rules to its legal successor.

12.7. In case of liquidation of the Union, documents on personnel (orders, personal files, accounting cards, personal accounts, etc.) are transferred to the state archival bodies for storage. The transfer and ordering of documents is carried out by the forces and at the expense of the Union in accordance with the requirements of the archival authorities.


13.1. Amendments and additions to the Charter of the Union are made by the decision of the Conference.

13.2. Amendments and additions to the Charter of the Union shall enter into force from the date of their state registration.


Appendix 1

to the Charter of the All-Russian Public Organization "Union of Pediatricians of Russia»


The description for the badge

All-Russian public organization

"Union of Pediatricians of Russia»


The emblem is an image of a human figure-a child holding a stylized globe on his outstretched hands.

The child is depicted schematically: it has no characteristic age, gender or national characteristics.

The globe is turned to the viewer by the side on which the territory of Russia is highlighted.

Parallels and meridians are also schematically marked on the globe.

The figure of the child and the globe are made in blue. The territory of Russia, as well as the parallels and meridians, reproduce the color of the background on which the emblem is placed.

Under the image of the child's figure is an inscription in three lines: "Union of Pediatricians of Russia" or "The Union of Pediatricians of Russia", made in the usual blue font.

The image of the emblem can also be made in any color on the background of any color.

The meaning of the image of the emblem element-the child-is that children, who number only 20 percent of the world's population, make up 100 percent of the future of humanity, the future of the planet. Children "hold the Earth in their hands" and the fate of humanity depends on them.

The semantic meaning of the emblem as a whole is that a child holding a globe with the designation of the territory of Russia on it at arm's length symbolizes the future of Russia.


Logo image


Appendix 2

to the Charter of the All-Russian public organization "Union of Pediatricians of Russia»



All-Russian Public Organization " Union of Pediatricians of Russia»


Sl. Marina Galaktionova

Music by Sergey Puchinin


Once upon a time, many years ago,

Taking the Hippocratic Oath,

We began to heal,

Dressed in white robes.

And medicine attracted us,

As in the space of the star element.

And our life has outgrown

In one fate-pediatrics.



And there is no escape from fate,

We have found forever the fairy tale of childhood.

And day after day our soul and heart

We give for a happy childhood.


From edge to edge, from year to year

And on a hot day and on a frosty day,

The children's doctor is on call,

To never shed tears,

So that you don't sigh at night

From the fear of children or pain

And, to the children's doctor

With a smile, they met with a cheerful one.



And there is no escape from fate,

We have found forever the fairy tale of childhood.

And day after day our soul and heart

We give for a happy childhood.


You and I are called to stand

On guard of children's health.

And our credo is to heal

With your warmth, with your love.

Let the white dove bring

Good News throughout Russia –

The earth will find salvation

In your face – pediatrics!



And there is no escape from fate,

We have found forever the fairy tale of childhood.

And day after day our soul and heart

We give for a happy childhood.

Link to download the original charter: Charter